
I have been living in our barangay for about 10 years now, and one of the calamities that would greatly affect us would be flood caused by heavy and continuous rainfall. We would often experience even the low level of flood even if the rain is not that heavy but continuous. This of course would cause other risks for us especially concerning our health.

In our barangay, the most affected ones would be those who are living in low areas since the flood would always be their number one enemy. Those who are also isolated would be affected especially if their place is considered to be hazardous. Other than that, people who have sari sari stores would be affected as well financially since they need to be new set of things that they would sell after the typhoon. It is like they have to go back to 0. The good thing is that the barangay officials and other volunteers are willing to help these people who are affected. 

Aside from the intense flooding within our barangay, another issue would be the trashes that are scattered everywhere, from street to street. However, this now lessened since the officials have already put up signs and posters regarding the ordinance of proper waste disposal. This is not only evident within our area but also all over the country which is why there is really a need for people to be disciplined about this issue. If so, then canals and rivers would be at least clean and lower level of flood might actually happen especially since no more trashes are blocking the canals. I just hope that other barangays would do this reminders as well and make sure that there are consequences for those who would not abide the ordinance. 

Based from what I have gained from the interview session with Kuya Alex and the community walk with my father, I have noticed the changes that our community experienced. Before, our community or barangay was not that prepared for the calamities and disasters that happened, but now, the officials really did their best just for us to be prepared for the disasters that might happen. They have improved their preparedness a lot especially with their alertness since according to Kuya Alex, whenever there is an upcoming typhoon, all of them would make sure that they are updated with the news by watching the tv and listening to the radio. They also make sure that they alert the whole barangay by roaming around with their megaphone announcing that there is a typhoon coming and that they can evacuate as early as possible especially if stated in the news that it will cause a heavy rainfall. They allow people to stay at the barangay itself, at the 3rd or 4th floor. They also make sure that people who are stuck at a certain place would still get to their home safe through boats.

Whenever they have community projects, they make sure that it would be finished earlier for the people. Just like the fixing of canals and cementing areas, they have done this in a short span of time and the good effect can be easily observed. They always prioritize those areas that really need improvement and people who would really need help. Women, children, PWD and elderly are also their priority. If before, most areas would experience floods, now these situations are lessened. They have also mentioned that they never experienced struggling financially since they receive a lot from other organizations and the government itself. It just shows that they have and can maintain a good relationship with other people and they can budget properly. It proves that they really do their part for the community.

As part of their responsibility, in order for the community to recover easily, they would have seminars about recovery and tips on how to continue living their lives despite the casualties caused by the typhoon. They would also provide majority a simple livelihood wherein they can earn even a small living just for them to have enough money in starting over. 

Based from these information, it is really important to address the issues on disasters in our country to avoid further damage and casualties to happen. We can address these issues by simply being aware of the different disasters and those that are common and most likely to happen in our area. As a member of our community and a citizen of our country, one concrete solution that I would do would be of course abiding the laws and ordinances regarding these issues. It is also important for one to be prepared and alert if ever disasters would happen. You can be prepared by simply having and providing others a grab bag wherein things that can be used during emergencies our placed such as first aid, flashlight, extra clothes, biscuits, whistle, and etc. These grab bags can help one to survive during disasters. I could suggest this to the barangay in order for others especially the young ones to be prepared in case of disasters.


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