Community Walk

At around 2:00pm, me and my father went for a walk around the community since the barangay official I have interviewed was not available for the day. All throughout our walk, we have noticed that there are a lot of flood level indicator attached on many posts around the community. Even at the gate of a nearby public school which just shows that the barangay has been doing its job in preparation for disasters particularly with typhoon flood.
Other than that, the we have also took some pictures on places that we think are hazardous and safe. We also took some pictures that show the best practices which can be observed in our community.


As you can see from the pictures above, these are places within our community that may be prone for hazards to happen. Narrow streets might be hazardous especially if there is a sudden Earthquake that would happen. This might cause for rescuers to have a hard time due to the debris of parallel buildings. People might also struggle in running and evacuating. The downhill type of the street might also cause for those people who lives along the street to experience higher level of floods since the slope would be downward and the water might flow and flood on the lower part. Those who are also living near the canal area should also be careful since there is a chance for the canal to overflow if ever another strong storm or typhoon would visit the area. Same goes with those whose houses are near sewers, shown in the last picture, since water might flow too from the sewers which might also cause for your health to be at risk because of the virus and the dirt from the sewers.


For the places which we think are safe, it would include the church since there is a second floor where people can evacuate if ever they need a higher place to stay when there is a high level of flood on their street. The church is open to all that is why anyone can stay there if ever there is an emergency such as sudden flashfloods. Another safe place would be houses where there is already an improvement with their streets. For the past few months, I have noticed that some streets are being cemented in order for it to be higher and lesser flood would happen within the area. This caused the street to have a bit higher ground than before. And of course, the barangay is also a safe place since Kuya Alex himself also told me that they allow people to stay there especially if there is a calamity. Families can stay on the 3rd or 4th floor as they wait for the calamity to be over. Other than that, if your house has a second floor and is enough for all of you, then you can stay there and bring things that are necessary during the calamity such as food, clean water and the like.


Aside from the flood level indicator, we have also noticed the different signs regarding proper throwing of trash and about keeping the community clean in general. One sign stated the ordinance regarding littering and its offense. This can at least warn those people who are careless in throwing their trash anywhere. Another sign simply reminds that "This is our park. Keep it clean." And as you roam around the park, they have trash bins that have different labels namely, biodegradable, non-biodegradable and plastics. With these posted and placed around the community, it shows how much concern that our barangay has for everyone. This proper disposal practice and reminder can also help in avoiding the clogging of canals along the streets. It shows that the barangay is doing their job in keeping the community clean and we, the citizens, should also do our job by throwing our trashes on proper trash bins. 


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